Udzia³ w wyborach według wieku
Bezrobocie według wieku
młodzi za emerytury płacą dwa razy
Dług na obywatela
Pracujący do emerytów i rencistów
Centrum Analiz Społeczno Ekonomicznych
Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową
American Enterprise Institute
Institute of Fiscal Studies
Policy Exchange
Institute of Economic Affairs
American Economic Association
Daron Acemoglu
Alberto Alesina
William Easterly
Stephan Epstein
Edward Glaeser
Claudia Goldin
Oliver Hart
Ricardo Hausmann
Laurence Kotlikoff
Gregory Mankiw
Joel Mokyr
Dani Rodrik
Kenneth Rogoff
Andrei Shleifer
Konstantin Sonin
Institute of Fiscal Studies
Project Maddison
Economics of financial markets
International Journal of Central Banking
NYU Stern- Salomon Center Working Paper Series Archive
Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee
The European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee (ESFRC)
Financial Markets Group - LSE
Bank for International Settlements
Committee of European Banking Supervisors
European Central Bank
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Bank Of England
Bank Of England publications
Banque de France
CESAME Clearing and Settlement Advisory and Monitoing Experts
Treasury Market Practices Group
Initiative on Global Markets - University of Chicago
Securities Investors Protection Corporation - federal agency that oversees the liquidation of failed brokerage firms
European Credit Research Institute
British Bankers Association
Eurofi - bank lobbying think tank
Wealth Management.com
Economics of energy
Energy Information Administration
Eurostat Energy Price Sstatistics
EU Energy market Analysis
EU gas storage data
Economics of regulation
AEI Center for Regulatory and Market Studies
The Left, Labor, etc
On Labor
Logos Journal
Democracy Journal
Richard Freeman on SSRN
Hans Boeckler Fundation
Edward Altman recent papers
Bankruptcy Litigation Blog
Credit Slips - A discussion on credit and bankruptcy
EU General Bankruptcy Info
US Trustee Program
US Bankruptcy Courts
The Insolvency Service
Insolvency Act 1986
Insolvency HelpOnline - UK
American Bankruptcy Institute
American Bankruptcy Law Journal
Insolvency Institute of Canada
Insolvency News
Info Monitor Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej
Krajowy Rejestr Dlugow
Konferencja Przedsiebiorstw Finansowych
Polski Zwiazek Windykacji
Restructuring and Turnaround Management Group
Historical Atlas of Poland. Detailed maps of the 16th century
Social Science Data
World Values Survey
European Social Survey
GESIS Data Archive for Social Sciences
Osrodek Badania nad Migracjami
European Network of Councils for the Judiciary
Comparative Constitutions Project
EU Case Law
European Court of Human Rights
Centralna Baza Orzeczen Sadow Administracyjnych
Orzeczenia Trybunalu Konstytucyjnego
Orzeczenia Sądu Najwyższego
Privacy/Public Access to Court Records - State Links
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER)
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Industry research
EU audiovisual policy
Media Regulation UK
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Resource Investor
Steel Guru
Lloyds List
Izba Gospodarcza Wodociągi Polskie
Stowarzyszenie Producentow Pomp
Journal of Commerce
Port of Los Angeles - Statistics
Institute of Supply Management
Angel Capital Education Foundation
BIB Seed Capital
Plastics industry consultancy
Specialist purveyor of plastic industry information
Chemicals and energy news
Plastics News
Platts Publishing
British Plastic Federation
Chemical Week
Plastiks on line.RU
Metering.com - Prepayment
BIS + propertz price statistics
Bazy Danych - polskie
Ksiegi Wieczyste
Krajowy Rejestr Sadowy
KRS on-line
TMS Brokers
Analizy Online
Market Watch
SEC Edgar
Parlament Studentow RP
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ekonomicznej Analizy Prawa
Electronic Frontier Foundation
National Fire Protection Association
Freedom of Information
Freedom Of Info org
Freedom Of Info Act Resoruces
Freedom Of Info Act Text
Lex rocki na Sejmometrze
Blogs, thinktanks and clubs
Marginal Revolution
Arts Journal
Львівський медієвістичний клуб
AJA blog
Eric Posner
MIT Tech Review
Legal Theory Blog
Money Banking and Finance - Cecchetti
DB research
Julia Reda - Pirate Party
Alice in Chains
Silicon Africa
Global Pensions.com
Pension Pulse
Sentencing blog
Center for Stateless Society
Centre for Economic Performance
Policy Exchange
Jean Quatremer: Coulisses de Bruxelles, UE
Atlanta Fed Classroom economist
Khan Academy
Project Gutenberg
Tradicion Clasica
John Templeton Foundation
Marxists Internet Archive
European Navigator - ENA
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Natural Homes
Gliniana Chatka
Naturalny Dom
Passivhaus Institut
Passivhaus Institute USA
Quadrocopter US
Mikro Kopter DE
Buzz Flyer
RC Groups
Jesus Never Existed.Com
Pew Forum on Regligion and Public Life
World Christian Database
Secular Coalition for America
Web Source - Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development
Варшава по-русски
Kras in Slovenia
Strona przeciwników kultu sprawców powstania warszawskiego
New Zealland Principal's Federation
World Economy
World Bank data
LIBOR 12 month
US Economy
US Census Bureau
Inventory-to-Sales - US Census
Advance Monthly Sales For Retail Trade And Food Services - US Census
New Residential Construction - US Census
Federal Reserve Ecobomic Data - FRED
M3 for US economy
Inventory-to-Sales - St Louis Fed
Change in private inventories - St Louis Fed
Personal Savings Rate - St Louis Fed
Total Net Charge-Offs - St Louis Fed
Bank Credit of all Commercial Banks - St Louis Fed
Monetary Base, Adjusted for Changes in Reserve Requirements
Flow of Funds Accounts of the US
Statistical and Historical Data - Board of Governers of the Federal Reserve System
Economic Highlights - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Financial Highlights - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis - National Economic Accounts
US Bureau of Transport Statistics
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Treasury Direct - Historical Debt Outstanding
US Public Debt
US Public Debt - US Government Spending.Com
I.O.U.S.A. The Movie/
Conference Board - Consumer Confidence Index
Congressional Budget Office
Association of American Railroads - rail traffic data
American Trucking Associations - Truck Tonnage Index - in the news section
National Restaurant Association - web page for Restaurant Performance Index Stood
National Association of Realtors - Real Estate Sales Statistics
American Institute of Architects -- Billings Index
National Restaurant Association - web page for Restaurant Performance Index Stood
New Jersey Gas Prices.com
Gas Buddy
GPMI Institute of Supply Management
EU Economy
German Institute for Economic Research DIW
Ifo Business Climate Germany - Current Release
IWH Halle
RWI Essen
German automobile market figures
Comit� des Constructeurs Fran�ais d'Automobiles
ANFAC - Asociaci�n Espa�ola de Fabricantes de Autom�viles y Camiones
European Automobile Manufacturers Association
Banca d'Italia - Survey on Household Income and Wealth
European Automobile Manufacturers Association
Bank of Greece Statistics
Public Debt Management Agency - Greece
Eurostat - general government debt
Eurostat - general government deficit/surpluss
Eurostat - GDP
UK - The Office for National Statistics
Spanish Statistics Office
Ireland vAirport Pairings Data
Capital - Greece
Cyprus Mail
Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE)
EBRD statistics and forecasts
Euro Parliament - Economic and Monetary Affairs Com. - Papers
Council of the EU
PL Economy
Polski Związek Przemysłu Motoryzacyjnego
Insytut Badan Rynku Motoryzacyjnego